Whiskey Barrels sold by the truckload Qty 288 - starting at $35USD per barrel - delivery available in North Dakota and across the United States

Whiskey Barrel Wholesalers offers used 53 gallon whiskey barrels by the truckload at affordable wholesale prices. Our used whiskey barrels ship directly from the distillery to you. These affordable used whiskey barrels can be re-used for craft distilling, craft brewing or simply for decoration around a business or home.

Craft Distillery or Craft Brewery Barrels

These used 53 gallon whiskey barrels are perfect for craft distilleries looking for a unique finish on their spirits. These just emptied whiskey barrels will be shipped by the truckload wet directly from the distillery. The barrels can also be used for decoration around your distillery, bar, event space or to sell directly to your customers in your distillery gift shop.

Business or Home Use Whiskey Barrels

These authentic whiskey barrels are perfect for use around a hotel, bar or restaurant. They are also great for professional party planners and interior decorators for weddings, and large venues.

For homeowners these barrels can be used for straight decoration or custom made whiskey barrel furniture. They are great for planters, rain barrels, fountains, custom furniture (tables, chairs), construction fixtures (sinks), or increasingly popular and trendy rustic decor.

What Size are Your Used Whiskey Barrels?

All of our used whiskey barrels are 53 gallon oak barrels. They are approximately 35 inches high and 25 inches in diameter.

How Much Are Used Whiskey Barrels?

These barrels ship directly from the distillery and are offered in two different grades at very competitive prices.

1) Whiskey Barrels just emptied by the distillery can hold liquid and can be used for craft distilling, craft brewing or simply decoration.
Condition: Barrels may show small leaks, surface crack on staves, warped heads many of these can be fit for craft brewing, rain barrels, fountains.
Price: We offer whiskey barrels that are in good condition at $55USD per barrel.

2) Whiskey Barrel Culls – these barrels are decoration they are grey or dark weathered barrels with rusty rings.
Condition: May contain cracked staves, loose or missing metal rings, significantly warped barrel heads or missing bungs.
Price: Older cull grade whiskey barrels that may not hold liquid or missing rings are priced at $35USD per barrel.

How to Order Used Whiskey Barrels

Our rustic whiskey barrels are sold exclusively by truck load. Each truck holds 288 whiskey barrels per load. The barrels are shipped from Ontario, Canada. We can provide you with the most competitive cross border shipping options to the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii).

Please note we only sell and ship truckloads of barrels and cannot accommodate order quantities under 288 Barrels. Payment must be completed through wire transfer in US Funds. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks order processing time from receipt of payment.

Does Whiskey Barrel Wholesalers Offer Credit?

If needed Whiskey Barrel Wholesalers does offer attractive financing rates On Approved Credit (OAC). Contact us for complete details and terms.

Ready to Order Used Whiskey Barrels?
Email: Info@WhiskeyBarrelWholesalers.com
Phone: 888-842-0555

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